Ochre’s new Doctor Loyalty Program celebrates generosity and kindness

By , Melinda McCarthy published on 02/09/2020 Recruitment,

Ochre Recruitment is excited to launch a new loyalty program with a difference to recognise and reward our dedicated doctors. This program celebrates your milestones and achievements every step of the Ochre way – and is uniquely founded on a circle of generosity.

Our new loyalty program is different from other programs in the market. Rather than count points or locums worked like other agencies, we believe it’s important to celebrate behaviours such as kindness and collaboration, flexibility, and commitment, as well as compassion for others.

Now more than ever, we all want to contribute and give back to our respective communities, and we all want to feel like our lives are meaningful. We know doctors can often be taken for granted, so our new loyalty program demonstrates our gratitude and helps shine a much-needed spotlight on the wonderful work you do to keep our communities healthy.

At the heart of our new loyalty program is the Golden Gratitude Award

With this award, we’re proud to promote the circle of generosity and make a difference where we can. Each quarter, our recruitment consultants will select one amazing Ochre doctor who is exceptionally community-minded and approaches everything she or he does with care, compassion and courage.

Not only will we celebrate and reward their remarkable achievements, but we will also donate $1,000 to a deserving individual or charity of their choice. This could be a nurse, practice manager or colleague who deserves a break, a family member who needs financial assistance with further education or a charity of personal importance. The winner of our Golden Gratitude Award will also receive a gold stethoscope for their gold standard of care.

At Ochre, we’re so lucky to work with an amazing group of doctors.

Our personalised service and tailored loyalty program gives us the chance to develop even closer relationships with you. Establishing and fostering relationships to last the distance is incredibly important to our team—it’s what we do. Loyalty, trust and respect are paramount. And when these values are reciprocated, the recruitment wheels can turn at speed.

In addition to our quarterly Gold Gratitude Award, we also look forward to surprising many of our doctors each year with a luxury hamper. This is our way of saying thank you for loyalty and support, for going above and beyond to help communities in need and for exceptional work.

And for all our new doctors, you will receive a stylish welcome gift on the first day of your locum or permanent role – to let you know we’re thinking of you on your first day.


Here are the full details of our new loyalty program.

We will be expanding the scope of our new loyalty program towards the end of the year. Watch this space! And thank you for all the exceptional work you do.

Existing Ochre doctors are automatically included in our new loyalty program. If you are not yet part of our medical community and you'd like to be, register - we'd be delighted to have you on board.

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