General Practice & Rural Generalism
Because we specialise in general practice and rural generalism, we have GPs with a wider range of specialties than any other agency. With close to 10,000 General Practitioners in our database, we are confident in our ability to provide you with the right doctor every time. We recruit GPs for locum and VMO hospital positions across Australia and are also adept at finding you a more long-term permanent GP for practice in New Zealand.
While we work with doctors, practices and hospitals in most urban, rural and remote regions, we are well respected and renowned for our commitment to helping solve the regional shortage of doctors.
Locum Roster Management
We exclusively manage Emergency Medicine locum rosters for hospitals and deliver workforce solutions to healthcare providers in both Australia and New Zealand.
We work with ED doctors from PGY2 to FACEM.
Get in touch with us today to find your ideal GP, VMO or Emergency Medicine Doctor and to register your vacancy.