How You Can Help Rural Communities Access Better Healthcare

By , Melinda McCarthy published on 16/02/2023 Ochre Recruitment, Ochre Health,

A national lottery has recently been launched to help iconic Australian charity, Angel Flight purchase a new jet that will operate throughout regional NSW to help people in medical need.

The Your Jet Life Lottery gives everyone a chance to win their own private plane while supporting the phenomenal work of Angel Flight. 

Angel Flight has been operating since 2003 to coordinate non-emergency medical flights for rural and remote Australians so they can receive specialist medical treatment that is not available in their local areas. 

The charity receives no government funding, relying solely on donations from individuals, clubs and bequests. 85% of every dollar is spent on aviation fuel and flight co-ordination. Their support centre runs a very small infrastructure, with six full-time Mission coordinators as paid staff.

Angel Flight has more than 3000 registered volunteer pilots and 5000 volunteer drivers who are ready to assist patients needing scheduled treatment at destinations where other forms of transport are unaffordable.

Angel Flight CEO, Margorie Pagani & Ochre Group CEO, Dermot Roche at the Your Jet Life Lottery Launch

"We now want to use Angel Flight to take medical professionals to the bush. The lottery is designed to raise funds for the purchase of Angel Flights first small jet that will transport Doctors and students for placements in rural communities.  For too many regional communities, access to much-needed healthcare is out of reach, that's why we will use our aircraft to brings the healthcare professionals to them." Angel Flight CEO, Margorie Pagani

The service will work to alleviate the problems rural and remote patients have in trying to access care in Sydney. Since 2003, Angel Flight has supported more than 100,000 rural and remote Australians at no cost to them or the government. Their volunteer pilots have made in excess of 57,000 flights, covering over 25 million kilometres from more than 300 regional airfields into capital and major coastal cities. To further expand their services to fully meet the needs of people living in the bush, further investment is needed... and that's where we can all help.

By buying a ticket in the Your Jet Life Lottery, you too can help. The lottery aims to raise a minimum of $2.5 million and offers a first prize package of over $3 million, including a private plan, fuel allowance, pilots license and training, 12 months hangar fees and much more.

Book your tickets here or scan the QR code at the top of the blog.

The Ochre Group is a strong supporter of Angel Flight.

“Ochre is proud to support and collaborate with Angel Flight. The Angel Flight motto of ‘help where help is needed’ aligns closely with our Ochre values of care and being community-minded, and we have a shared passion for helping rural and remote communities across Australia to get quality medical care.

Having both been founded around 2002, our two organisations are also very proud of our 20-year heritage of supporting rural and regional communities.

We wish Angel Flight all the very best in their current fundraising endeavours and we look forward to working together over the next 20 years and beyond to improve rural accessibility and leverage one another’s capabilities, strengths and geographic network.” General Manager of Ochre Recruitment & Medical Directions, Costa Intzirlis

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