How To Choose The Right Medical Locum Recruitment Agency

By , Melinda McCarthy published on 02/08/2023

There are a few key factors to consider when choosing a medical recruitment agency in Australia or New Zealand. Whether you’re a General Practitioner wanting to work your way around Australia or New Zealand while maintaining the lifestyle you want, an Emergency Medicine doctor seeking experience in different EDs across, or a GP keen to upskill in the ED, you can be confident that Ochre, with 21 years of experience supporting doctors, has your best interests at heart.

Choose an agency and recruitment consultant that specialises in your field of medicine. 

At Ochre, we specialise in General Practice Recruitment. Our key strength is finding general practitioners, rural generalists, emergency medicine and general medicine doctors locum jobs that blend into their lifestyle… putting family, partners, and lifestyle choices at the forefront. Because we are part of a larger healthcare group, (The Ochre Group - comprising Ochre RecruitmentOchre Health, and Medical Directions) we hold a unique position in the medical recruitment industry as a company that understands the challenges of managing a medical centre or emergency department while keeping doctors happy, valued and well rewarded. This gives us a sense of balance and fairness. We work to keep all parties happy and to find the right match for all involved.

We also work with emergency medicine and general medicine doctors in Australia and New Zealand.

Find the point of difference and how that benefits you?

With a growing selection of medical recruitment agencies to choose from it's worth identifying the point of difference between the ones you have shortlisted. Ask yourself, does that difference benefit my needs? At Ochre we are proud to say that we are one of a kind. We are a healthcare facilitator, locum agency and workforce solutions provider, which means you can be part of innovative service models based on key factors of safety, effectiveness and sustainability. 

  • You’ll enjoy direct access to Ochre Medical Centres;
  • Have the choice of open and flexible locum, FIFO and permanent contract arrangements so you can practice medicine when and how you want;
  • Peace of mind that all paperwork is managed by our registration and compliance specialists, giving you back your time;
  • Clinical autonomy;
  • Chance to upskill in the ED;
  • Opportunity to engage with influencers in the healthcare space

Choose an agency whose values and purpose resonate with yours

Do a bit of background research on the agency before you register or contact them. Most recruitment agencies have an ‘About Us’ page on their website. Knowing their purpose, vision and values can often persuade you one way or another. At Ochre our purpose is to support doctors to improve the health of patients and communities… that’s why we exist and why we show up to work each day.

Ochre was founded 21 years ago in the NSW Outback town of Bourke by Dr Hamish Meldrum and Dr Ross Lamplugh, two procedural GPs who still manage and lead the company. Because our business was 'born in the bush' so we know the challenges rural-based doctors can face, such as distance from family, access to support networks, and cultural differences. We are dedicated to providing extra levels of care and support so rural doctors can focus on providing quality healthcare services without worrying about any associated issues.

“I share Ochre’s professional ethos and approach to healthcare. The teams are friendly, patient-centred, and welcoming. The example is set by Ochre’s executive leadership and it resonates with me” Rural Generalist Dr Gaskell

Ask around

Ask your work friends and colleagues about their experiences with locum agencies and recruitment consultants. It's always helpful to hear positive and negative feedback and can often push you in the right direction. Our number one source for new doctors is from referrals which lets us know that we are providing an excellent service throughout the entire process from start to finish.

"I am a very positive ambassador for your services whenever I am ‘out and about’ in rural and regional Australia. Keep up the great work. I am privileged to be associated with your brand." Rural Generalist Dr Bills

Choose an agency that is certified in the quality standard of AS/NZS 9001:2015

Ochre Recruitment achieved ISO 9001:2015 in 2009, and since then, our recruitment team has been committed to demonstrating quality values such as personal professionalism, operational integrity, expert knowledge, and being ethical and respectful of others.

Embracing these values day-to-day obviously has a positive impact on the way our team interacts with our doctors. We go above and beyond in everything we do to make sure we fulfill our service promise. The ISO process brings trust and confidence to our teams, doctors and clients who share our values and compliance principles.

“Our corporate and recruitment teams work continuously all year round to earn accreditation, but it’s not just because we want to be certified, it’s part of who we are. We all have a genuine passion for working with doctors and healthcare providers, and we love what we do” Ochre Recruitment Operations Manager Helen Spanos

You deserve support, genuine care and great service

The best agencies and recruiters will go above and beyond to meet the unique needs of doctors. At Ochre we assist with all the paperwork and credentialing which can be time-consuming if you go it alone. We won't rest until you're happy with your travel and accommodation arrangements. If you do have to travel to remote regions, and the travel factor is hindering your ability to arrive on time, we have access to a private plane and pilot that will get you to where you need to go.

Relationship building and listening is the key to our success and one of the reasons 98% of our doctors are delighted to refer their friends and colleagues to us. 

With over 21 years of supporting Doctors, Ochre provides you with an unmatched selection of opportunities to further your medical career. We offer locum jobs in a variety of locations across Australia and New Zealand. We focus on your professional needs, working with you to find the roles most relevant and beneficial to your chosen pathway. Tell us where you want to go and we’ll help you get there.

Contact us today to start your journey.

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